the jackfruit (fenesi)

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The Jackfruit (Fenesi)

Also known as Jack tree, is a fruit that many may like to avoid but is a healthy fruit option. It is from the mulberry family and is grown in tropical regions of the world. Therefore, it is an exotic fruit and native to the South of India.

Aside from that, it has spiky outer skin; green and yellow in color. Also, due to its size, it can reach up to 35 kg or (80 pounds) in weight.

The jackfruit has a an unusual subtle sweetness as well as fruity in flavor. Some say it is a combination of fruits such as pineapples, apples and mangoes.

The most common consumed part of the fruit is the flesh or pods that can be eaten when ripe or unripe. It is often used in sweet and savory dishes; desserts and curries. The seeds are safe to eat too.

The Jackfruit has a good amount of calories and contains almost every vitamin and minerals and also fiber. This include Vitamin A,C , Magnesium, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.

Let's not forget a good source of antioxidants.

Pros of Jackfruit

  • Helps manage blood sugar as it has a low glycemic index (GI).
  • Shields against diseases.
  • Prevention of skin problems.

Preparation of Jackfruit

Slice in half and remove the pods and seeds using a knife or hands. Note that the fibrous part of the fruit is sticky, one can wear gloves while handling it.

One can eat the fruit in a variety of ways:

  • Vegetarians use it in Jackfruit tacos as a meat replacement by cooking it then combining with seasoning and vegetables,
  • Adding it into curries or soups
  • Tastes great in yogurt or oatmeal.
  • The seeds can be roasted or boiled then add seasoning. Hummus can be made from the seeds too.

The bottom line is ; the Jackfruit is a good addition to your diet and is worth a try.

It is healthy and unique . That being said exploring with your taste buds expands your palate.


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